
How your contributions help!

Your contributions sustain our parish. Your donations keep the buildings and grounds of each of our churches functioning. Thank you!

Your gifts of time, talents, and treasure are always needed and sincerely appreciated. From helping at a holiday party, serving at a funeral dinner, shoveling a walk in the winter, or even writing cards and letters of support and prayer to fellow parishioners, are all part of our faith and responsibility to each other, and make us a community in Christ serving each other daily.

Weekly or monthly envelopes are available to all of who ask for them. Donations made in your member envelope are delivered to our parish, no matter which church you attend in the diocese of Rochester, NY.

Planned giving

Occasionally, we receive questions from parishioners who want to send their donations directly to the parish office instead of bringing an envelope to Mass every week.

There are several ways you can do this:

  • If you have online banking, you can have your donations sent automatic through your bill pay system of your bank. Call the parish office and tell us that you will start monthly donations or if you have any questions.
  • Monthly envelopes are easier for some, and you will also get all the special collection envelopes.  Call or email the parish office to set this up.
  • You can also just send in a regular check by mail to the office every month (or whenever), if you prefer.

From your Pastor, Father Pat

Every week I have the privilege of standing before you and seeing models of Faith and Love in Action…you! I know that asking for an increase in your offering to the weekly collection will be a sacrifice, for some more than others, but do the best you can.  I am pleased with the Planning Committee that has been formed and their work.  I am pleased with our Finance Committee and Parish Council and Staff.  I now rely on your working together, your prayers, and your generosity.  Throughout this, let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, who is ever walking by our side as the Good Shepherd, reaching out His Hand to guide us.  I love you all.